Interesting poll results on
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Update: While reading the above poll, I looked at other recent polls. Fascinating reading if these are a true reflection of thoughts in the Middle East.
"There is nothing that makes us so far doubt the explanations we have
received from the US Administration...[o]ur investigations, which are already
under way, will continue until we get to the bottom of this matter"
FM: "Excuse me Mr. Resident of Sudan"
RoS: "Yeah Mr. Foreign Minister?"
FM: "You remember anyone blowing a lot of stuff up around here back in the '60's? Maybe a nuclear bomb or two?"
Ros: "Naww"
Dear Friend:
This year, Congress will take up a debate that will determine the future of Social Security. In its 70th year, Social Security is one of the most successful federal programs, providing a secure retirement for countless seniors and other benefits to widows, children, and individuals with disablities.
I recently delivered a major speech on Social Security and the current attempts to "reform" it. I am inviting you to read my speech, which outlines my position, and join me in the fight to keep Social Security an insurance program that provides real security for Americans.
You will find my speech and an accompanying petition that you my [sic] sign at
This is one of the most important matters facing our nation, and powerful interests will join the battle. I hope I can depend on your support as I work to protect Social Security and the millions who count on it for their financial security now and in the future.
Barbara Boxer
United States
In order to convince the American people of the urgency to privatize Social
Security, the president has used words such as "crisis," "bankruptcy," and
"collapse." Let's look at the definition of these three words, according to
the Merriam-Webster's Dictionary.crisis: "a situation that has reached a critical phase."
bankruptcy: "utter failure or impoverishment."
collapse: "to break down completely."
Is it true that Social Security is in crisis? Is bankrupt? Is collapsing?
The answer is a resounding NO. According to the most conservative estimates, Social Security will be able to pay full benefits for 38 years. In other words, a 37-year-old worker today will get full benefits until he or she is 75 years old if we do nothing to make adjustments to the Trust Fund. A 47-year old worker today will get full benefits until he or she is 85 years old if nothing is done.
I shall know but one country. The ends I aim at shall be my country's, my God's and Truth's. I was born an American; I live an American; and I shall die an American. -Daniel Webster (1782-1852)