Democracy In Action: Iraqi's Probe "unusually high 'yes' count"
As pointed out in the (biased as hell) SFGate, the Iraqi election commission is investigating what some are calling an "...'unusually high' numbers of 'yes' votes in about a dozen provinces..."
Strange how the MSM make a big point of possible voting irregularities in a free country, but they didn't say much when Saddam would get 99.96% or 100% of the vote.
I applaud the Iraqi people for investigating their voting practices.
Also, while researching this I found this amazing quote on the BBC from 1999 with the lead in of the article being "US Vice-President Al Gore has told Iraqi opposition politicians that the United States remains committed to the overthrow of President Saddam Hussein"[emphasis added]:
Strange how the MSM make a big point of possible voting irregularities in a free country, but they didn't say much when Saddam would get 99.96% or 100% of the vote.
I applaud the Iraqi people for investigating their voting practices.
Also, while researching this I found this amazing quote on the BBC from 1999 with the lead in of the article being "US Vice-President Al Gore has told Iraqi opposition politicians that the United States remains committed to the overthrow of President Saddam Hussein"[emphasis added]:
"There can be no peace for the Middle East so long as Saddam is in a position to brutalise his people and threaten his neighbours"
-Al Gore, 2000
"We would not have invaded a country that didn't attack us..."
Al Gore, 2005
Which one is it Mr. Gore?
I guess had you won the election in 2000 we wouldn't have "attacked a dictator who brutalises his people and threatens his neighbors while preventing peace in the Middle East?"
Or would we have just assassinated Saddam? Or just let some sort of proxy fight in our place? Kill Saddam but try to keep our hands clean eh?