George Lied! People...
...well, people didn't die or anything, but Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) says that George Galloway "...gave false and misleading testimony on his involvement with the U.N. Oil-for-Food program at the Subcommittee’s May 17, 2005 hearing entitled, “Oil-for-Influence: How Saddam Used Oil to Influence Politicians Under the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program.”
Mr. Galloway claims that if charged with perjury he will "...head for the airport right now and face them down in court as I faced them down in the Senate room"
I'd be careful making those claims Mr. Galloway, I mean, it's federal perjury after all if true. I find Mr. Galloways statements interesting seeing as how Senator Coleman claims he "...personally sent Galloway a letter requesting an interview, and offered to fly staff to London in order to conduct the interview. Mr. Galloway declined both offers, and instead, offered to respond to written questions. Galloway denied any involvement whatsoever in any Oil-for-Food transaction in his written responses. "
Hmmm. Curious...George?
Mr. Galloway claims that if charged with perjury he will "...head for the airport right now and face them down in court as I faced them down in the Senate room"
I'd be careful making those claims Mr. Galloway, I mean, it's federal perjury after all if true. I find Mr. Galloways statements interesting seeing as how Senator Coleman claims he "...personally sent Galloway a letter requesting an interview, and offered to fly staff to London in order to conduct the interview. Mr. Galloway declined both offers, and instead, offered to respond to written questions. Galloway denied any involvement whatsoever in any Oil-for-Food transaction in his written responses. "
Hmmm. Curious...George?