21 April 2006
CIA Officer fired over possible leak
According to MSNBC et al, the CIA has fired an Officer for allegedly leaking information to a reporter:

WASHINGTON - In a rare occurrence, the CIA fired an officer who acknowledged
giving classified information to a reporter, NBC News learned Friday.
The officer flunked a polygraph exam before being fired on Thursday and is now under investigation by the Justice Department, NBC has learned.

A number of blogs via Technorati are talking about this story, and some are making the bogus claim that President Bush should be held accountable for "leaking" information about the Wilson trip to Africa. To these folks I would like to point out that the President didn't "leak" anything, what he did was de-classify information from that trip to counter the bogus information that Wilson et al were telling the press. This is not a "leak" like what Ms. McCarthy stands accused of according to the media.

There was a "Mary O. McCarthy" who testified before the "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States" (a.k.a the "9/11 Commission") back in 2003 who discussed the role the intelligence services in regards to warning capabilities.

Mary O. McCarthy was also a staff adviser to President Clinton (the same type of role that Joseph Wilson had, although in a different area and a year after Wilson) on the National Security Council for Intelligence Programs.
A Republican in San Francisco (Yes, he's under deep cover) relays his tales of interest... ...ok, "interest" is a strong and subjective word but you get the point.
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I shall know but one country. The ends I aim at shall be my country's, my God's and Truth's. I was born an American; I live an American; and I shall die an American. -Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

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